Scrittoio mattone (Brick Desk), 2022
inkjet print on cotton paper and dibond, travel desk, stainless steel pedestal
105 x 59 x 46 cm

Senza titolo (Nuovi segni) (Untitled (New Signs)), 2023
Acquerello su carta
33 x 24 cm

Appunti di erosione (Notes of Erosion) #3
inkjet print on cotton paper and dibond, frame
41 x 61 x 4 cm

Red Shift - Blue Shift (Surveys), 2022
inkjet print on cotton paper and dibond, frame
71 x 101 x 2 cm

Gelatina granito (CTB - CTO, rosa - viola) (Granite Gel (CTB - CTO, pink - violet)), diptych, 2019
two inkjet prints mounted on aluminum, frame
34 x 26 x 4 cm each

Botanica (Botany) #16, 2020
inkjet print on cotton paper and dibond, stainless steel cables, hooked weights and clamps
dimensions variable, detail

Tracciante (Marker) #1, 2020
inkjet print on cotton paper and dibond, frame
73 x 53 x 4 cm

Il disgelo sul Sempione 5 (Nero disgelo) (Thaw over Simplon 5 (Black Thaw)), 2018
olio su carta
35 x 51 cm